10 Chelmsford Home Electrical Resolutions for the New Year

10 Chelmsford Home Electrical Resolutions for the New Year

  • Electrical
10 Chelmsford Home Electrical Resolutions for the New Year

As the New Year approaches more and more homeowners are resolving to do things that are going to not only help improve the overall efficiency of their home, but that will also make it safer. The National Fire Protection Association estimates that nearly 50,000 fires are caused each year by faulty electrical systems in homes. Of these fires, about 450 deaths are the result and up to 1500 injuries. Though many Chelmsford homeowners go from day to day hoping that their electrical system is safe, updating and testing your system is the only way to know. Here are 10 Chelmsford Home Electrical Resolutions for the New Year that can help keep your home and your family safe:

  1. Extension Cord Placement – We have all been guilty of this faux pas. We have an extension cord that helps take an item from one room to another. It is far safer to make sure you keep extension cords away from door ways, under carpets, near heaters, or near any other item that may damage the cord. It is essential that you take the time to carefully place your extension cords out of the way in a safe place where they will continue to be safe for the duration of use.
  2. Sockets Near Water – We all need outlets in bathrooms and kitchens and other areas that are near water but water and electricity certainly do not mix. Installing GFCI sockets, or ground fault circuit interrupter sockets can help ground out the socket should water become introduced. Installing this type of outlet in bathrooms, on kitchen counters, or in any other area where water might get into sockets can help keep your home and your family safe.
  3. Noticing the Signs of Faulty Wiring – There are some signs that you can take into account when it comes to your home. If your switches feel warm or you have issues like blowing fuses, tripping circuits, flickering and dimming lights or other issues, it is best to contact a professional electrician that can pinpoint the cause of the issue then fix it so that you have nothing to worry about.
  4. Wattages – The wattage that is written on the inside of lamp sockets is there for a reason. Though it may seem time consuming, taking the time to check all your lamps and make sure that the bulbs inside them match the recommended wattage can make a huge difference. Not only do higher watt bulbs take up more energy and help run up your electricity bill, these higher wattage bulbs are likely to blow more often and can pose a threat to you and your family.
  5. Damaged Cords – Though it may seem like a trivial thing, that knick on your electrical cord may be just enough to cause a fire. You should take the time to check your cords and make sure that if they are damaged in any way they are either professionally repaired or that they are replaced entirely if the damage is too severe.
  6. Install More Outlets – Though using extension cords from time to time can be safe if the cord is in good shape and it is carefully placed, if you are using an extension cord every day or very often you may want to think about having more sockets installed. Calling a professional electrician can get you the sockets you need so that you can get rid of potentially dangerous extension cords.
  7. Outlet Overload – We have all done it, bought outlet expanders or added extension cords to get more socket space out of a single outlet. Though this may not be dangerous for a little while, when an outlet is overloaded for a long period of time it can become overheated, damaged, and can pose a fire hazard.
  8. Energy Efficient Appliances – We all want to save money on our electric bill and installing energy efficient appliances can help save money on your monthly bill by using less electricity overall. These appliances can also be safer for your home and can make a huge difference in your home and how it runs.
  9. Surge Protectors – Not all homes are going to experience a power surge but having a surge protector in place can help keep your home safe and can help prevent issues if there is a power surge or a large storm. Power surges have the potential to cause sparks that can then lead to fire, they can also overload circuits and cause damage to your overall system. A surge protector can help prevent these issues.
  10. Replace Smoke Detectors – The last thing you can do is to check and replace all your smoke detectors. Smoke detectors can be your first line of defense if your electrical system does go awry and you can truly protect your home with new smoke detectors.

Contact Ryan Gath Electric For Home Electrical Resolutions for the New Year

No homeowner in Chelmsford wants to deal with overspending on their electricity bills. If you are considering any of these 10 Chelmsford Home Electrical Resolutions for the New Year, Ryan Gath Electric can help. The licensed electricians at Ryan Gath Electric can help get your home electric system operating safely and efficiently with up-to-date technology. So don’t continue risking electrical fires or other hazards. Call Ryan Gath Electric to get started today.

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Preparing Your Home’s Electrical System For The Winter

Preparing Your Home’s Electrical System For The Winter

  • Electrical
  • Generators
Preparing Your Home's Electrical System For The Winter

The season of chilly air, cozy nights and winter wonders has arrived, and snow is already on the ground in some parts of the nation. In preparation for colder weather, many homeowners have taken care to ensure that their heating system is in top shape and that their plumbing is properly protected from freezing temperatures. When it comes to preparing for winter weather, many people overlook the importance of protecting their electrical system from damage. In order to avoid costly repairs and ensure a steady flow of power to the home, there are a number of steps that should be part of every homeowner’s cold season checklist. Ryan Gath Electric is the trusted local experts to help in Preparing Your Home’s Electrical System For The Winter.

Test/Replace Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors

These devices serve an essential, yet often undervalued role in keeping your family safe and secure. During cold weather preparations, be sure to check that each detector and alarm is functioning properly, and that fresh batteries are installed. Homeowners who have had the same detectors in place for many years may want to consider updating them with newer and more advanced devices. It should go without saying that the cost of replacing old smoke and carbon monoxide detectors pales in comparison to the cost of a fire or the emotional toll of carbon monoxide poisoning. 

Install Or Update Exterior Security Lighting

There are a number of excellent exterior lighting options currently on the market, many of which offer multiple features. Homeowners should evaluate their outdoor lighting, and determine if additional or updating lighting would bring value to the home. In addition to improving a home’s security, exterior lighting can make it far easier to unload groceries, care for pets or get the kids settled into the car after dark. Many options are motion-activated, and some even offer high tech features such as a security camera that can be accessed remotely. 

Install A Generator Or Tune-Up An Existing Unit

In many parts of the country, having a back-up generator is a wise choice during the winter months. If the power fails, a generator can ensure that the home remains warm and lit until service is restored. That can make the difference between a livable home and having to find alternate shelter. For those who already have a generator in place, an annual tune-up is a great way to make sure that the unit is in good repair and ready to be called into service if the need should arise. For those who have been considering adding a generator, there are a number of different options available at a wide range of price points. Anyone who has sustained a prolonged loss of power can attest to the benefits of having a generator within the home.

Test Electrical Outlets & GFCIs

Any winter preparation checklist should include a test of all of the home’s power outlets. This is a fast and easy task with the use of a multimeter (which is an inexpensive device that will last for many years.)  The multimeter will not only check to make sure that an outlet is getting sufficient power, it can also let the homeowner know if the wires are properly connected, and if the outlet is safely grounded. Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) are special outlets that are designed to automatically shut off when an electrical fault is detected. However, they wear out over time, and will need to be replaced. A special device is used to test older GFCIs, and those manufactured after 2006 will simply stop working once the circuitry fails. Replacing a worn out outlet is a simple and inexpensive home repair project.

Replace Light Bulbs With Compact Fluorescent Lights

Updating your home’s lighting can lead to lower power bills and a greener lifestyle. One of the best ways to improve your home’s energy use is to replace traditional light bulbs with CFLs. Compact fluorescent light bulbs produce light differently than incandescent bulbs, and require approximately 70 percent less energy. That can rack up significant savings over the course of a year, especially when most of your home’s light fixtures have been switched to CFLs.

Conserve Energy Throughout Your Home

As the weather chills, conduct an annual check of your home’s energy efficiency. Look for areas where improvements can be made, and be aware of “phantom load,” which is a term used to describe power that flows to unused appliances or electronics. Many people are surprised to learn that power is continuously consumed by many devices, even when they are not turned on or in use. Simply shutting off the power can save hundreds of dollars each year. Be sure to unplug appliances that are not currently in use, and consider using a power strip to supply current to multiple devices, such as a television, gaming console, and sound system. That makes it easy to shut off power to those devices with one simple switch, rather than having to unplug each cord.

Choose Ryan Gath Electric When Preparing Your Home’s Electrical System For The Winter

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Here at Ryan Gath Electric, we want to make sure that your electrical system and the rest of your home stay safe throughout the winter months. When you call us for electrical system maintenance this season, we will work with you every step of the way to get your home’s electrical system ready for the cold weather. So don’t let your power go out in the middle of a blizzard – Call Ryan Gath Electric today!

By Ryan Gath Electric